who we are

The Fraternal Order of Police is the Nation’s and Colorado’s largest, most influential, and most unified voice of our profession. Nationally, there are more than 330,000 members in more than 2,200 lodges. The Loveland Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 52 was founded in 2006. Our lodge has grown significantly since its inception. Currently, our lodge represents approximately 125 officers, civilian, and retired members.
Our goal is to partner with our community to provide quality services to our members, their families and our community. We believe this can be accomplished through our values which are Leadership, Collaboration, Stewardship, and Benevolence.
Loveland Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 52 also is very involved in supporting memorials for fallen and injured officers and support for their families through the Loveland Lodge 52 Fraternal Order of Police Benevolent Fund, a 501c3.
Our goal is to partner with our community to provide quality services to our members, their families and our community. We believe this can be accomplished through our values which are Leadership, Collaboration, Stewardship, and Benevolence.
Loveland Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 52 also is very involved in supporting memorials for fallen and injured officers and support for their families through the Loveland Lodge 52 Fraternal Order of Police Benevolent Fund, a 501c3.